Wind was the name of the game this weekend. Saturday blew so hard that even the kite boarders were staying at home. So it was a huge surprise that when we showed up Sunday morning to C-st that there was no wind… In fact it was really fun. Waves were in the head high range all day with a few bigger sets. This was the last event of the season for our area and there were some stand out performances to note. Adam Hogue nailed a 9 and an 8 in his short board semi. This was the highest heat total this year. SJ Murphy won every heat on his way to the final in the Short board division. In the Girls Short board final Gracey George laid down a frontside carve that would of scored well in the boys division. This score was a 9.5 and secured the win. In the Boys shortboard final Sam Reichel asked the judges where he should surf before the final and taking their advice dropped a 9 and a 6.5 to take the win. This event had all the makings to be a nightmare but with all the good vibes and happy kids the wind didn’t pose a problem till just as the event ended. Congrats to all the competitors on a great season!
1st. Santa Barbara Jr 181.5
2nd Crane 175
3rd Malibu 151
4th Lincoln 130
5th John Adams 137.5
6th Cabrillo 132
7th Santa Barbara Middle 71.5
8th Balboa 68
9th Los Cerritos 33.5
Boys Shortboard
1. Sam Reichel Crane
2. Matthew Pierce Santa Barbara Jr.
3. Novalis Terzani Malibu
4. Jace Kennedy Crane
5. SJ Murphy Malibu
6. Adam Hogue Crane
Boys Longboard
1. Evan Blix Santa Barbara Jr.
2. Chase Nelson Santa Barbara Jr.
3. Isaac Fishman John Adams
4. Matthew Pierce Santa Barbara Jr.
5. Tommy Hurley Cabrillo
6. Logan Charles John Adams
Girls Shortboard
1. Gracey George Lincoln
2. Kyralai Duppel John Adams
3. Emma Hhiggins Cabrillo
4. Nell Kerndt John Adams
5. Sarah McKenzi Malibu
6. Lilly Henley Cabrillo
Girls Longboard
1. Alana Moore Crane
2. Kyralai Duppel John Adams
3. Betsey Lee Malibu
4. Layla Lari Lincoln
5. Ruby Singh Cabrillo
6. Gigi Grossman Lincoln
1. Whit Shelburne Crane
2.Griffen Churchill Malibu
3. Bryce Saldajeno Los Cerritos
4. Lisa Mears Lincoln.
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From Highway 101 exit on California St.
Turn left at California St.
Turn right at Harbor Blvd.
Take the second left onto Figueroa St.
Continue onto Shoreline Drive
Park in the Second parking lot.
There is a fee for all day parking