Online Registration Information

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Scholastic Surf Series is using SurfSignup to improve the registration process for both coaches and students.

Each team/school will have their independent Surf Signup account and all membership proceeds will be deposited directly into the team’s bank account. Once the student has registered as a member, the student will appear in the roster forms for each event. Because of this, it’s necessary for each student to be a registered member.
Questions or Need Help?

If you have questions about setting up your school account, you can get help by emailing [email protected] or going to for more info.

This page has general directions for setting up and managing your Team’s Surf Signup account.


Log in to your account and look for the green admin button. Before you can administer your school, you must have an account with administrative access. If you need to administer a school, create an account with Surf Signup and email [email protected] with a request to get access to your school’s account.


Configure Your Account

Online Payments

Students can pay online and all the money will be deposited directly into the surf team bank account.

Add your Bank Information (Settings > Billing)

SurfSignup is a 3rd party service that automates the registration process.  Users will pay an 8.5% fee that is capped at $14.95. To help illustrate, here’s an example of what the user will pay. This covers SurfSignup Service fee and the credit card bank fees.

Membership User Pays
$100 $108.50
$200 $214.95
  1. Set you Membership Price (Memberships > Edit)
    This is the fee that you will be collecting for membership and not the Scholastic Surf Series fee.

    1. Only collecting checks and not paying online? Set price to $0
    2. Need different pricing? Setup Coupons (more info below)
  2. Add logo, contact information and any message you have on the homepage (Website > General Settings, Website > Homepage)


Other Features

View Members – Registrants > View/Export
Send Notifications –  Registrants > Send Notifications

Coupons – Settings > Coupons

Note: It’s important to check “Only Memberships”