San Clemente Pier – Oct 31, 2021


J_Serra  51                               Def     Saint_Margarets  40

Santa_Margarita-1  48            Def     CapoValleyChristian  31

Laguna_Beach   55           Def     Santa Margarita-2  24


1ST  LB            Hudson Saunders

2ND LB            Matthew Vermilya

3RD StM          Charlie Denham

4TH SM-2        Aidan Gottron

5TH LB             Gavin Pike

6TH SM-1        Paul Bauman


1ST  JS Indie Hoffman

2ND LB            Scout Mitchell

3RD JS Brooke Stephens

4TH CVC          Beau Allred

5TH   LB            Kaelyn Chism

6 TH  CVC        Ila Allred


1ST JS        Nixon Brookes

2ND  StM   Michael Cuda

3RD LB            Dane Cameron

4TH LB Vince Wallstein

5TH SM-1        Taylor Torriero

6TH STM    Braeden Nock


1ST JS               Indie Hoffman

2ND LB            Scout Mitchell

3RD  LB           Kaelyn Chism

4TH CVC          Ila Allred

5TH CVC          Beau Allred

6TH JS  Seylah Childers


1ST JS  Blake Hurst

2ND SM-1        Griffin Gottron

3RD CVC    Beau Allred

4TH StM          Ethan Sharitia

5TH  SM-2       Leo Vujovich

6TH  LB            Brayden Belden


Google Map Here

Parking:  Meters $1.50 / hour

From Southbound 5 exit Palizada and turn Right
to El Camino Real turn Left
to Avenida del Mar turn Right
take that all the way to the Pier.

From Northbound 5 exit Presidio and turn Left
to El Camino Real turn Left
to Avenida del Mar turn Right
take that all the way to the Pier.