San Fernando Place, MB – Oct 29, 2016

It was a good season opener for the SSS San Diego High School Division 3 & 4 surf teams.  The day started off great with some 2 to 3 foot clean waves which allowed the teams to show off all the new moves they learned over the summer.  Some new faces as the first event of the season transitions our middle school surfers into a new format in high school.  With a great start in the morning it quickly changed to a windy remainder of the day.  But the surfing did not disappoint and all the teams had a great time and ready for another season.

Team Results  Division 3

Cathedral Catholic  79            def       Westview  54

Coronado  74                          def       University City  54

San Marcos  79                       def       Woodrow Wilson  57

Individual Results

Mens Shortboard

  1. Garrett Cleary, Cathedral Catholic
  2. Cole Quinlan, Coronado
  3. Makaiah Spiess, Westview
  4. Liam Casey, Coronado
  5. Wesley Buchholz, San Marcos
  6. Shane Cox, Cathedral Catholic

Mens Longboard

  1. Cole Quinlan, Coronado
  2. Kent Pinz, University City
  3. Sam Heck, Woodrow Wilson
  4. Jack Hayward, Westview
  5. Ben Lolly-Wilson, University City
  6. Julian Cole, San Marcos

Womens Shortboard

  1. Kornelija Newcomer, San Marcos
  2. Hana McEvilly, Cathedral Catholic
  3. Violet Reynard, Westview
  4. Sydney Zoehrer, Coronado
  5. Bridget Root, San Marcos
  6. Josephine Nguyen, Cathedral Catholic

Womens Longboard

  1. Sydney Zoehrer, Coronado
  2. Aine Dwyer, Coronado
  3. Hana McEvilly, Cathedral Catholic
  4. Bridget Root, San Marcos
  5. Moorea Jones, Westview


  1. Andrew Dafnis, San Marcos
  2. Nathan Navarro, Woodrow Wilson
  3. Brendan Davey, Cathedral Catholic
  4. Makaiah Spiess, Westview
  5. Jack Outlaw, Coronado
  6. Nick Tostado, University City
  7. Josh Robinson, Rancho Buena Vista

Team Results Division 4

Grauer  53                               def       Mission Bay  41

St. Augustine/OLP  47           def       High Tech  38

Sage Creek  56                        def       Bishops  33

Classical Academy  52            def       El Camino  40


Individual Results

Mens Shortboard

  1. Jared Fearon, Mission Bay
  2. J D Michael, Sage Creek
  3. Garrett Edwards, Sage Creek
  4. Jacob Champlin, Classical Academy
  5. Matteo Cometti, Grauer
  6. Cole Hurst, High Tech

Mens Longboard

  1. Collin Quinn, Grauer
  2. Kasey Bowles, Grauer
  3. Dylan El-Ghoroury, Grauer
  4. Gabe Vecchio, Sage Creek
  5. Tyler Wygant, El Camino
  6. Jacob Champlin, Classical Academy

Womens Shortboard

  1. Maddie DeVilbiss, Sage Creek
  2. Nikko Cowan, El Camino
  3. Grace Kotnik, Our Lady of Peace
  4. Hannah Johnson, Grauer
  5. Maile Feingold, Bishops
  6. Sidney Johnson, Classical Academy

Womens Longboard

  1. Kamden Miller, Sage Creek
  2. Grace Kotnik, Our Lady of Peace
  3. Hannah Johnson, Grauer
  4. Ciara Gray, Mission Bay
  5. Holly Alvarez, Sage Creek
  6. Chloe Faucher, Our Lady of Peace


  1. Myles Pollock, El Camino
  2. Nick Campagna, Mission Bay
  3. Jonathan Douglas, Bishops
  4. Christian Alfaro, Classical Academy
  5. Kai Stern, Grauer
  6. Jesse Stephens, High Tech